Goldhofer S-THP 15 (3+3+3+5+2) 2 x Gooseneck 2 x Hatz German Trailer! semirremolque de cama baja

≈ 510.900 PEN
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Antes de confirmar una compra, revise detenidamente varias ofertas de venta para ver cuál es el precio medio del equipo elegido. Si el precio de la oferta que le interesa es mucho menor que el de ofertas similares, piénselo dos veces. Una diferencia de precio significativa puede conllevar a defectos ocultos o a un intento de fraude por parte del vendedor.
No compre productos cuyo precio diste mucho del precio medio de equipos similares.
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Esta es la forma más habitual de fraude. Ciertos vendedores pueden requerir una cantidad del pago por adelantado en concepto de «reserva» de su compra. Así, los estafadores perciben grandes cantidades de dinero y después desaparecen sin dejar huella.
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- Dicha solicitud debe alarmarle, ya que en la mayoría de los casos se trata de fraudes.
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= Más información =
Año de fabricación: 2005
Goosneck 1:
5th wheel load: 30.000 kg.
Works on hydraulic from the truck + hatz engine.
Gooseneck 2:
5th wheel load: 35.000 kg.
Works on hydraulic from the truck + hatz engine.
3 axles:
Year: 1993.
12 tons BPW axles.
Weight: 7900 kg.
Max weight: 36.000 kg.
Hydraulic suspension.
Tyres: 285/70R19,5 60%.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 4150 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
3 axles:
Year: 1996.
12 tons BPW axles.
Weight: 7900 kg.
Max weight: 36.000 kg.
Hydraulic suspension.
Tyres: 285/70R19,5 60%.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 4150 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
3 axles:
Year: 2005.
12 tons BPW axles.
Weight: 8000 kg.
Max weight: 36.000 kg.
Hydraulic suspension.
Tyres: 285/70R19,5 60%.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 4150 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
2 axles:
Year: 2005.
12 tons BPW axles.
Weight: 5400 kg.
Max weight: 24.000 kg.
Hydraulic suspension.
Tyres: 285/70R19,5 70%.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 2800 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
4 axles:
Year: 2005.
12 tons BPW axles.
Weight: 10.900 kg.
Max weight: 48.000 kg.
Hydraulic suspension.
Tyres: 285/70R19,5 60%.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 5550 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
Extra floor:
4 point outriggers:
Dimmension floor:
L: 3000 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
Total lenght floor: 23.8 meter!
German Trailer!
ID NR: 443.
The General Terms and Conditions of Heinhuis are applicable to all adverts, offers and quotations by Heinhuis, all agreements entered into by Heinhuis and the negotiations preceding them. By any form of response you accept the applicability of the General Terms and Conditions of Heinhuis and you declare that you have taken note of these General Terms and Conditions. Our prices are export netto prices.
= Dealer information =
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= More information =
Year of manufacture: 2005
Goosneck 1:
5th wheel load: 30.000 kg.
Works on hydraulic from the truck + hatz engine.
Gooseneck 2:
5th wheel load: 35.000 kg.
Works on hydraulic from the truck + hatz engine.
3 axles:
Year: 1993.
12 tons BPW axles.
Weight: 7900 kg.
Max weight: 36.000 kg.
Hydraulic suspension.
Tyres: 285/70R19,5 60%.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 4150 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
3 axles:
Year: 1996.
12 tons BPW axles.
Weight: 7900 kg.
Max weight: 36.000 kg.
Hydraulic suspension.
Tyres: 285/70R19,5 60%.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 4150 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
3 axles:
Year: 2005.
12 tons BPW axles.
Weight: 8000 kg.
Max weight: 36.000 kg.
Hydraulic suspension.
Tyres: 285/70R19,5 60%.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 4150 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
2 axles:
Year: 2005.
12 tons BPW axles.
Weight: 5400 kg.
Max weight: 24.000 kg.
Hydraulic suspension.
Tyres: 285/70R19,5 70%.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 2800 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
4 axles:
Year: 2005.
12 tons BPW axles.
Weight: 10.900 kg.
Max weight: 48.000 kg.
Hydraulic suspension.
Tyres: 285/70R19,5 60%.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 5550 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
Extra floor:
4 point outriggers:
Dimmension floor:
L: 3000 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
Total lenght floor: 23.8 meter!
German Trailer!
ID NR: 443.
The General Terms and Conditions of Heinhuis are applicable to all adverts, offers and quotations by Heinhuis, all agreements entered into by Heinhuis and the negotiations preceding them. By any form of response you accept the applicability of the General Terms and Conditions of Heinhuis and you declare that you have taken note of these General Terms and Conditions. Our prices are export netto prices.
= Firmeninformationen =
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= Weitere Informationen =
Baujahr: 2005
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= Plus d'informations =
Année de construction: 2005
Goosneck 1:
5th wheel load: 30.000 kg.
Works on hydraulic from the truck + hatz engine.
Gooseneck 2:
5th wheel load: 35.000 kg.
Works on hydraulic from the truck + hatz engine.
3 axles:
Year: 1993.
12 tons BPW axles.
Weight: 7900 kg.
Max weight: 36.000 kg.
Hydraulic suspension.
Tyres: 285/70R19,5 60%.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 4150 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
3 axles:
Year: 1996.
12 tons BPW axles.
Weight: 7900 kg.
Max weight: 36.000 kg.
Hydraulic suspension.
Tyres: 285/70R19,5 60%.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 4150 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
3 axles:
Year: 2005.
12 tons BPW axles.
Weight: 8000 kg.
Max weight: 36.000 kg.
Hydraulic suspension.
Tyres: 285/70R19,5 60%.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 4150 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
2 axles:
Year: 2005.
12 tons BPW axles.
Weight: 5400 kg.
Max weight: 24.000 kg.
Hydraulic suspension.
Tyres: 285/70R19,5 70%.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 2800 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
4 axles:
Year: 2005.
12 tons BPW axles.
Weight: 10.900 kg.
Max weight: 48.000 kg.
Hydraulic suspension.
Tyres: 285/70R19,5 60%.
Dimmensions floor:
L: 5550 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
Extra floor:
4 point outriggers:
Dimmension floor:
L: 3000 mm.
W: 2750 mm.
H: 1100 mm.
Total lenght floor: 23.8 meter!
German Trailer!
ID NR: 443.
The General Terms and Conditions of Heinhuis are applicable to all adverts, offers and quotations by Heinhuis, all agreements entered into by Heinhuis and the negotiations preceding them. By any form of response you accept the applicability of the General Terms and Conditions of Heinhuis and you declare that you have taken note of these General Terms and Conditions. Our prices are export netto prices.
= Bedrijfsinformatie =
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= Meer informatie =
Bouwjaar: 2005